Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Recent pictures!

Since I'm considered a high risk pregnancy we get to go to a LOT of ultrasounds.  Seriously, I'm 12 1/2 weeks pregnant and I've already had 8 ultrasounds.  It's awesome.  And since there are two turkeys in there we have to have an ultrasound at every dr. appointment so they can see both heartbeats.  On Friday I had an early screening for Down's Syndrome (everything looked great!) and it was the best ultrasound yet!  Here are a few of their cute pictures.

The first two are Baby A.  Friday was my first stomach ultrasound and since Baby A is down there further it's a little more blurry.  It's ok though, Baby A was the star of the show with all of the OTHER ultrasounds (and thank goodness those are done!).
 Baby B!  I still can't get over the fact that they really look like babies and THIS is what is growing away inside of me! 
 I like this picture because you can see Baby A below a tiny bit.  During the ultrasound Baby A was kicking at Baby B.  I hope this isn't a sign of things to come...
Now that the secret is out, I'm going to do a blog about how we got these little pumpkins here.  It was by far the most difficult thing I've ever had to go through.  But now that I look back at the last 2 1/2 years and this is the outcome, I wouldn't change a thing. 


The Lunts said...

Congrats Guys!!! TWO!! So fun!! You totally deserve it!!

Bitter Larry said...

They are lucky - I never had my own room growing up, but they already do.

Korry.Taffee.Jaci.Milo said...

I LOVE the little profiles.. They are SOOO CUTE already!!!
AWWWWWWWWWWWW! I can't believe there are TWO BABIES!! How COOL, I would love to come to an Dr. Appointment with you.. I bet its NEAT! Today we got the good word that ALL IS well now we just WAIT for the baby to come! EEEEK! Im exctied!!! We shoudl talk more about BABIES.. Ill txt ya:) LOVE YOU GUYS!

Lindzie said...

Congrats! I thought I had missed something. :) SO happy to hear you are pregnant and with twins.

MBurt said...

So fun! It does look a little crowded. :) I'm glad you get lots of ultrasounds it makes it so much more REAL! No gender for sure yet? How are you feeling?

Ben and Becky said...

we were so excited to hear about your exciting news. Congratulations! I'll bet you can hardly wait to see their sweet little faces in a few months!