Monday, February 14, 2011

Little Chunks

Every 4 weeks we have a super detailed growth scan of the babies to make sure they're growing well, one isn't a lot bigger than the other and their fluid levels are good.  We had one this past Friday.  What we found out makes me laugh a lot. 

I'm currently measuring 37 weeks, even though I'm only 30 1/2 (my doctor said I'm right on track for having twins) but then I started thinking about how big I'm going to be in a few weeks!  During the growth scan they measure 3 different angles of the head, a couple different measurements on the stomach, the thigh bone, and the upper arm bone.  I think there might be another one, but I forget what it is.  Anyway, they take all these measurements and calculate them to see what the babies weigh and how big they are measuring.  At 30 weeks Baby A weighed 3 lbs 6 oz and Baby B weighed in at a whopping 3 lbs. 14 oz.!  I thought that sounded pretty big.  And then they took out the comparison chart.

Turns out the chart is for singletons.  So my twins were getting compared to single baby growth rates at 30 weeks.  Baby A was in the 81th percentile for weight.  And Baby B was in the 96th percentile!  I am growing some seriously large babies!  No wonder Baby B's cheeks looked chubby in the 3D ultrasound pictures :)

This did make me super happy, though.  I keep reading that this is the time that twins start slowing down in growth since they're almost out of room.  So my minimum goal is to keep these little (or not so little) guys in here until they weigh at LEAST 5 pounds each. 


Alycia said...

That means you have less than four ponds to go right? I can't believe they're growing so fast. ;) The good news is they're already that big. A friend of mine just had her baby and he weighed just over one pound and is doing fine. Isn't that amazing? If there are new pictures of the babies I want to see them!

Becka Beacham said...

I'm so glad everything is going well, babies are growing and getting chubby. Is there anything more delicious than baby chub? Congrats again. Stay safe, stay healthy. Hope to see you in June!

MeLisa said...

Yay! I'm so glad that they are measuring over 3 lbs now, thtat is awesome! I can't wait to meet these little boys :)