The boys have changed a LOT. Riley went from screaming for hours at a time to yelling when he wants held or fed. Such a nice change. His little personality cracks us up all the time. He is definitely a spunky little bugger. Noah was our calm, laid back child. While he's still calmer than his brother, he's definitely found his voice and he's not afraid to use it. His cry breaks my heart. It is the saddest sound to me for some reason. Probably because he didn't really cry at first and so now when he does it makes me sad.
I've seen them both smile now. Nothing long enough to get pictures of, but it was the cutest thing. The first 5 times or so I saw them smile, I cried. Not the reaction I expected to have, but I was so overwhelmed with joy and how absolutely adorable it was I just started crying. I'm better now, but it still melts my heart every time.
I don't want to say much about their night time routine because I'm afraid I'll jinx myself. But I will say that I like how it is. From the first day we have forced them to be on the same routine. When Riley woke up to eat, we woke up Noah. Every. Single. Time. We also forced Riley to wait 3 hours between feedings. He would start screaming at 2-2 1/2 at the beginning, but Noah wasn't ready to eat yet, so we just had to listen to him yell. But it paid off and now they go between 3 and 5 hours when they eat. And now normally at night it's Noah waking up first to eat. I'm also sooooooooooo lucky that I have the best husband ever. He takes the first night time feeding around 11 so I get to sleep from 9-3. That makes my day so much better. A lot of days I don't fall back to sleep much after the 3am feeding, but I still got a solid 6 hours of sleep before that so I'm ok. Best hubby ever.
I'm definitely starting to mellow out. When they would both cry at the same time I would get so tense and frustrated and usually end up crying myself. It's still a little overwhelming, but I can handle it a lot better. I've also learned when Riley starts fussing because he doesn't want to sleep (he really fights it. He doesn't want to miss anything) to just hold him in his tight swaddle and wait it out. Way better than at first when I would give it a few minutes then pass him off to Brent, who's like the freaking Baby Whisperer with that child.
I love my life. I can't say that enough. Every day is exhausting, but it's the best thing I've ever done. I could say that on every single one of my posts, but it's true. No matter how hard the day was, all it takes is a little smile or some happy kicks when we're listening to the new Lady Gaga cd to make it all worth it.
Alycia took the boys newborn pictures back when they were 11 days old. Here are some of them!
One of our children was more cooperative. And we have a ton of awesome pictures of him. The other one wasn't as cooperative, but Alycia is good at what she does and we still got some awesome shots.
Sweet Noah
If you didn't know who the cooperative one was, you do now.
The green picture is the picture we got when they did our embryo transfer. So it's their first real picture. Then our first ultrasound picture when we found out we were having twins. Then the real deal :)
The face we got the first month of his life :)
This picture cracks me up because he still makes the face all the time when he's trying to bust out of his swaddle like Baby Hulk.