Friday, April 18, 2008

New glasses and those kids of ours!

So Brent and I decided to take advantage of our insurance and get our yearly free eye exams! We both got new glasses and I got contacts. Here are a few pictures of us with our new glasses:

When we were at our exam they numbed our eyes instead of using the air puff thing that makes everyone jump. The only negative to this was that it made our eyes feel VERY sleepy for a couple hours. After they numbed us up they dilated our pupils. This would have been fine if they had done it to me OR Brent, but they did it to BOTH of us and then sent us on our merry way. Needless to say, when we got out into the sun we were wandering around like two old fogies not being able to see where our car was or being able to open our eyes. Then we went to IHop. Between our pupils being the size of dimes and our eyes being heavy from the numbing stuff so we couldn't open them very wide, I swear the waitress thought we smoked a ton of pot and then the munchies hit us so we came to eat a bunch of pancakes.
And since there is no Baby Anderson our pets are our babies so I thought I would post a few current pictures of them.

Speaking of looking high...

Sleepy kitties


Bitter Larry said...

Ha - that is hilarious - I'm always scared to do the dilating thing because I'm always on my own - probably should sometime though. When I was a kid I HATED the eye puff thing, but I deal w/ it now.

Your glasses look great, btw. Have fun in Cali!


The Lunts said...

Your glasses are so cute guys!! Is your cat in a bag? Thats so funny!! K for sure Wendover soon!

Unknown said...

Hey Samantha! I found your blog through Adam's!

Love your cute!!

Hope things are going great!