Monday, August 17, 2009

Baseball overload!

On Saturday Brent's work had their annual softball game/BBQ in Sammamish. It was fun to be back at my old stompin' grounds!

Chip wasn't really impressed. He was more concerned with trying to get people to come over and pet him.Macie, on the other hand, was fascinated by the game. She actually watched more than I did!
My mom got Brent Yankee tickets for his birthday so later that night we dropped the puppies off at my mom's (thanks again Mom!) and went to the game!


Yes, Brent wore his Yankees hat and Mariners jersey.
I really go to the game for the food. Mostly the garlic fries. We couldn't even finish them they were so garlic-y! Check out that pile on the right! And this is AFTER we ate a ton!

The good thing about garlic fries is when you both eat them you don't notice the other person stinking as much :)

1 comment:

Alycia said...

It looks like you guys have been busy getting out and having fun! I'm so sorry about this morning. Preston is asleep again! Please let me know if I can do anything else to help. I might just bring you dinner tomorrow... is that okay?