Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If you got it, you got it!

When I pulled out my chicken sandwich from Burger King today, I also found this: It made me laugh.

(and yes I scribbled out a couple of the numbers to protect the creeper that did it :) )


MBurt said...

Oh Baby, you GOT it! That is priceless, is Brent jealous? I bet he's never been hit on by a Burger King employee! The real question is what did you order to give him the impression you were available and or interested. Flirting over fries?

Bitter Larry said...

Classic! Probably flattering in a very creepy way.

Becka Beacham said...

That is so fantastic! I had a good loud laugh, he didn't even leave a name. What are you going to do, call and say "I'm hitting you up" :)

kristen said...

That is AWESOME! I definitely laughed :) Now you can be like "Brent! If you don't take Chip out potty I'm gonna call the guy from BurgerKing!!!" ;)

Brianne Heiner said...

hahahahahahaah that is awesome!

Korry.Taffee.Jaci.Milo said...

HAHAHAHAHA I love it! I love what burt said:)

Sharee said...

Nice. I am jealous!ha ha Even if its a creeper its nice to know you still got it!

Brent said...

She wouldn't give me the number to call. I'm not gonna lie the protective husband came up. How come no one hits on me at tacotime?